
(MBA) 360 Degree Feedback Survey for someone joining ISB

I did someone's "evaluation" for admission into ISB (actually the person has already got admission so this is somewhat less critical).

One of the questions was: "To sum up, what advice would you have for this individual on becoming more effective as a leader?".  Now, the person in question is a very soft-spoken, unaggressive, person (as far as I can see -- I could be wrong), so here's what I wrote:

My answer:  as an MBA, he may be called upon to take decisions that he will later have to defend (like perhaps why he voted a certain way in a certain board meeting ;-)  Even if he's right, he has to be able to defend his stance against more outspoken people.  Defending himself if he's actually wrong could be the next step.


B-schools don't teach ethics anyway, so hopefully they have at least developed a thick skin...

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